• A Rover Runs Through It Agility Club. Website: www.arrti.net, Contact: [email protected], P.O. Box 5405, Missoula, MT 59806-5405. A membership-enabled club dedicated to the sport of dog agility.
Board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a member of both the American society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Dr. Harlan is a ...
Our team of experts will be happy to meet with you and listen to your goals and objectives for your web site and business. We pride ourselves in making each web site truly unique and custom while ...
A web site is about so much more than building it and hoping the customers will come. If you provide easy opportunities to learn, to shop, and to ask questions, sure enough customers will come.
A drive on Forest Road No. 365 up Blue Mountain will give you some tremendous views of the Missoula Valley and, at the right time of the year, an opportunity to visit a working Forest Service lookout.
North Summit is the magnificent mountain towering above the Missoula Valley to the southwest. It's often mistaken for Lolo Peak, which is behind it but not visible from some parts of the valley.
• Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Hell Gate Lodge 383. 112 N. Pattee St. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. 549-0542. • Bitterroot Shrine Club. Meets third ...
Pattee Canyon has been a favorite Missoula recreation spot since the 1930s, when Civilian Conservation Corps members constructed the first picnic facilities. A downhill ski area was also in ...
Missoula has a number of groups dedicated to furthering efforts for world peace. • Citizens for Responsible Crime Policy. Angela Goodhope, field director. (406) 493-0425. E-mail: info@ ...
For an easygoing outing beyond the city limits, try the trail at Maclay Flat. The path is wide, level and surfaced to accommodate wheelchairs. It takes you along the Bitterroot River and through ...
• American Legion Post No. 27. 825 Ronan St. 543-7391. Office hours are 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday and Friday. Meets first and third Thursday of the month, 7 p.m. Breakfast first Monday each month ...
Feel like getting away from it all, but don't have time to leave town? Take a walk, run, bicycle ride or horseback ride down the Kim Williams Nature Trail, the eastern-most segment of the ...