The public is invited to the Light for Ukraine event in Senate Square 24 February at 6 pm. On Monday 24 February the exhibition Unissued Diplomas will open in the lobby of the main building of the ...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to do your work practice week at a Center of Excellence, even if you had never heard of the center before? Joanna Laurinkari wrote a blog about her ...
Hengenvaarallista autoimmuunitauti aplastista anemiaa sairastavien potilaiden luonnolliset tappajasolut eli NK-solut poikkeavat selvästi tavanomaisista, selviää tuoreesta tutkimuksesta. Löytö voi ...
EU-rahoitteisessa CONSERWA ”Evidence-based support for transition to agroecological weed management in diverse farming systems and European regions”-hankkeessa kehitetään agroekologisia rikkakasvien ...
Co-option involves absorbing and repurposing dissent to align with state narratives, enhancing regime legitimacy, deterring opposition, and projecting strength during periods of political tension ...
HSSH:n uutisia ja tulevia tapahtumia – lue lisää alta ja muista tilata uutiskirjeemme sähköpostiisi! Lue lisää englanninkielisiltä sivuilta. Lue lisää HSSH:n uutiset & tapahtumat Ohjeet Hessun ...
New book published by HIC researcher Mikko Immanen. Mikko Immanen's new book Adorno's Gamble is out with Cornell University Press. Adorno's Gamble offers a startling reinterpretation of the evolution ...
This Friday, 28.2 at 12, Paul Bangura will defend his PhD thesis “Links between large-effect life-history loci and behavior in juvenile Atlantic salmon”. The public examination will take place in the ...
Helsinki SEN research community and CreaTE research group from the University of Helsinki teamed up for a joint open methodology seminar in February 2025. Members of our research community came ...
Spinout-yhtiö Solid Immuno-Oncology Oy:n kehittämä teknologia vähentää merkittävästi syöpähoitojen kehittämiseen kuluvaa aikaa ja kustannuksia. Lisäksi se antaa mahdollisuuden syöpähoitojen ...
Muurla Design Marketing continues its long-term support for DogRisk research group, which studies the use of scent dogs in detecting diseases and the nutritional, genetic and environmental factors ...