Made in a reported budget of Rs 4 crores, the movie went on to gross over Rs 50 crores, and it also had a 365-day run in multiplexes.
With Republicans in control of all three branches of the federal government, liberal states should increasingly fund cultivated-meat research. For those ...
Rep. Jeanne McNeill, a Democrat from Lehigh County, says the American Humane Society estimates about 100,000 dogs die each ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is President Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. On Wednesday, he has ...
Marine biologists have captured a rare sight of a giant pod of over 1,500 dolphins leaping and swimming off the California ...
Lawmakers unanimously advanced a bill that would outlaw torturing wolves and other predators Tuesday. But some Wyomingites ...
Pharmaron, a Chinese biotech firm, is currently using hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to test pharmaceuticals on up ...
Gladys Anthony died after the attack at her Missouri home. A 73-year-old man who intervened with a pistol and broom also was ...
Cowboys and cowgirls fitted in their finest leather clothing and accessories huddled around the star of the penultimate night of the National Western Stock Show craving for a taste.
Fido fans will gather in San Diego to cheer on Callen and Petunia, a pair of Helen Woodward Animal Center alumni.
"When the cats are left to play? Chaos ensues! Paws & Claws brings you closer to the fascinating world of animals and pets.