A welcome sight Thursday morning: Orcas in the Puget Sound. Experts say there’s one distinct thing people should know about ...
The researchers took swabs from the white shark's bite wounds and sequenced for any genetic material that the predator may ...
The endangered southern resident killer whales that visit Puget Sound were listed for protection under the federal Endangered ...
The pod of killer whales that showed up Thursday, Jan. 30, have only been documented less than 10 times since 1993.
Orcas, like humans, get baby bumps in the early months of pregnancy and grow larger as the pregnancy advances. Researchers ...
More than a year after a massive great white shark washed ashore in southwestern Australia, scientists have uncovered its ...
A 40-year-old woman was convicted of breaching the federal Fisheries Act after she was filmed paddleboarding near a pod of ...
Orcas, or killer whales, are deadly and beautiful apex predators.
Researchers used DNA evidence to confirm orcas killed a 15-foot great white shark discovered mangled on an Australian beach.
At the time, researchers believed they knew what had managed to kill this shark, but they could not confirm it. Now, however, ...
The rare orca pod has only been documented seven times since 1993. The two females and three kids were seen about 2.5 miles from Newport Beach last week.
Alisa Schulman-Janiger, director of the ACS-LA Gray Whale Census and Behavior Project, told FTW Outdoors that Jean Huber and Christy Varni discovered the floating carcass at mid-morning less than a ...