After three seasons of mind-bending storytelling and groundbreaking exploration of the Marvel Cinematic Universe multiverse, ‘What If…?’ has officially concluded. Marvel Studios’ TV Head ...
Universal Orlando Resort is months away from opening a new theme park, Epic Universe, which spans five separate lands across Universal-owned media. Those lands include the Wizarding World of Harry ...
This Lily is a Starfleet captain, but in an alternate version of Starfleet that explores the multiverse instead of the universe. And once she and William get in the same room, he has some choice ...
The biggest let-down is the fact that even in its final year, the series does little to tie into the wider Multiverse Saga. If nothing else, it kinda, sorta feels like an extended origin story ...
The enigmatic idea of dark energy has consistently been referenced to explain the universe’s expansion, but new research may upend years of cosmological beliefs with a shocking claim made by ...
It's explored our own Solar System, studied the atmospheres of distant planets in search of signs of life and probed the farthest depths to find the very first stars and galaxies formed in the ...
For decades, cosmologists have wondered if the large-scale structure of the universe is a fractal: if it looks the same no matter the scale. And the answer is: no, not really. But in some ways, yes.
The universe is a strange place on very small scales. What makes up the matter we perceive in the universe? To start, there are the usual suspects, like electrons, protons, quarks and neutrinos.