MUSCAT: Oman’s total local liquidity surged by RO 2.5 billion by the end of November 2024, marking an 11% year-on-year ...
MUSCAT: The Sultanate of Oman recorded a trade surplus of RO 7.14 billion by the end of November 2024, reflecting an increase ...
Muscat: The Central Bank of Oman (CBO) raised OMR23 milion million by a way of allotting treasury bills on Monday.
To make a direct call to Oman From Romania, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Oman mobile or land line from Romania. To call Oman ...
As a result of a ‘rightsizing’ exercise, the fleet strength has been downsized by 29 per cent compared to the 2023 level ...
Ministrul de Externe Emil Hurezeanu a declarat că Bulgaria È™i Oman s-au implicat substanÈ›ial în eliberarea marinarului român ...
Lusail: The modern and bustling Lusail Boulevardwill host the start of the 50th anniversary running of the Qatar International Rally this ...
Doha: Qatar has welcomed Oman s successful mediation, which led to the release of the crew of the Galaxy Leader ship, ...
Rebelii Houthi yemeniÈ›i au eliberat echipajul navei Galaxy Leader după mai mult de un an de la sechestrarea vasului în largul coastelor Yemenului, a relatat miercuri canalul Al Masirah TV, potrivit Re ...
The State of Qatar has welcomed the Sultanate of Oman's successful mediation, which led to the release of the crew of the ...
Ministrul afacerilor externe Emil Hurezeanu l-a primit, vineri, la sediul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe (MAE), pe ...
Pe 23 ianuarie 2025, România a fost reprezentată cu mândrie la Târgul InternaÈ›ional de Carte de la Cairo, cel mai mare È™i cel ...