Little did Leonidas know that over 2,500 years later, "Molon Lave" would be used as a global marketing tool -from weapons to ...
Tamil Nadu has announced a $1 million prize for decoding the ancient Indus Valley script, sparking global interest among ...
Athina Onassis, the last surviving heir of Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis, turns 40 on Wednesday but is unlikely to ...
The funerary stele of Mnesagora and Nikochares, an ancient Greek marble relief from Vari, near Athens,is a stunning example ...
A network of ancient parallel ceremonial roads has been discovered at the Gasco archaeological site in New Mexico, USA.
Coca-Cola recalls drinks in Europe due to high levels of chlorate, a chemical that can be harmful in elevated amounts.
Greece called for the reform of the UN’s decision-making process, saying the current veto system needs to be reconsidered.
The Doomsday clock was set at 89 seconds to midnight putting it the closest the world has ever been to a "global catastrophe ...
Archaeologists have discovered multiple artifacts depicting ancient Greek deities in the ancient city of Finziade in Sicily.
Countless masterpieces in the Louvre, such as the Nike or Winged Victory of Samothrace, were saved from the Nazis in Word War ...
Archaeologists uncover Urartu Kingdom houses, a cremation cemetery, and evidence of an earthquake at Davti Blur in Armenia.
In a Vatican statement, the moral path of AI is linked to humanity, urging caution against the 'shadow of evil.