You may have heard that cases of measles are on the rise lately, but there’s no reason to panic. Here’s what you need to know about measles and how to keep your family safe. Measles is a very ...
A genetic condition is one that happens when a gene changes. Some genetic conditions can be inherited (passed from parents to their children). Genes are sections of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that ...
Both the brain and the spinal cord are protected by bone: the brain by the bones of the skull, and the spinal cord by vertebrae, a set of ring-shaped bones. They're both cushioned by layers of ...
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections spread from person to person during sex (vaginal, oral, or anal) or close sexual contact. STDs are also called sexually transmitted infections, or ...
Flat feet are feet that do not have an arch. The middle of the foot touches the ground. Feet with no arches is the main sign of flat feet. Sometimes, flat feet can cause foot, ankle, or knee pain.
How Does Air Enter the Respiratory System? Air enters the respiratory system through the nose or the mouth. If it goes in the nostrils (also called nares), the air is warmed and humidified. Tiny hairs ...
It’s normal for people to masturbate (touch or rub their own genitals because they like the way it feels). Some people do it to relieve stress or tension. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed ...
Sanfilippo (san-fuh-LEE-po) syndrome is a rare genetic metabolism disorder. A change in a single gene makes a child's body unable to break down certain carbohydrates (sugars). This leads to serious ...
Nighttime feedings may be over, but you might still be struggling to get your toddler to sleep. Learn how to instill good sleep habits early so your toddler can sleep well.
What Is an Umbilical Hernia? An umbilical hernia happens when part of a child's intestines bulges through the abdominal wall inside the belly button. It shows up as a bump under the belly button. The ...
A parked car in sunny weather is like a greenhouse and heats up very quickly. Even on a mild, sunny day in the 60s, the temperature in a parked car can get dangerously high. Every summer, there are ...
How Does the Brain Work? And How Does the Nervous System Work? How do you remember the way to your friend's house? Why do your eyes blink without you ever thinking about it? Where do dreams come from?