More than 200 Milwaukee area school-age girls painted Milwaukee City Hall pink on Thursday for the 15th annual Girls' Day at City Hall. The idea is to get more women involved in public service.
Walking downtown on a cold day, a "Bubbler Talk" listener wondered whether they could use Milwaukee's skywalks.
Milwaukee's downtown area for several years has had ... If forced to pick a favorite, I'd go with City Hall. Despite its ...
That reflection could easily describe Milwaukee. With a gleaming downtown on Lake Michigan and led by a dynamic mayor, Cavalier Johnson, the city is poised for greatness. It successfully hosted ...
Police close streets near Main St. and Wisconsin Ave. in Oconomowoc during the investigation of a suspicious package at City Hall.
Downtown Milwaukee continues to see hotel development proposals following the boost from last summer's Republican National Convention — even as the city's largest hotel is reducing its room count.
Prominent community leaders Danielle Bly, Milwaukee Ald. Milele Coggs and Margaret Henningsen were honored Thursday as Mentor ...