Abstract painting is a hardy perennial of the art world. Trends may come and go, but the practice of translating visual ...
Works the size of postcards and bathroom tiles are challenging the market’s appetite for grand scales.
Amy Sillman is an influential contemporary American painter whose practice conflates the abstract and the figurative into large-scale, gestural oil paintings ... in 2013 at the Institute of ...
Agnes Pelton, also known as Agnes Lawrence Pelton, was an American and German artist associated with modernism. She worked with oil and pastels to create portraits of pueblo native americans, desert ...
Acrylic pour art is an amazing and super easy art form that lets you create beautiful, abstract paintings without any fancy ...
He makes dynamic abstract paintings — cascading with colors, or layered darkly and textured with oil stick ... Morse is on the roster at ArtLifting, an art organization representing artists ...